Not on Their Watch

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they’d say “Not on their watch!” if they hear of something they disagree with, and they won’t let that happen while you’re around. Let’s take a live picture for what “Not on their watch” really means.

Other than strict protocols during the lock-in taping, which is the new normal in the industry, the production staff has to be observant on the behavior of the cast. For several weeks, the production team is housed in a location. No one is allowed to go out or meet people outside of the production unless they want to undergo swabs again. The sense of isolation can push people to behave in such a way that makes other production members feel awkward.

A production was not spared from the questionable behavior of cast members. Conservative Performer (CP) had to tell the production that she was abhorred at the closeness of Network Talent (NT) to Established Celebrity (EC). CP observed that NT often approached EC between takes and sit on his lap. EC seemed to enjoy the attention in other word, “Not on their watch”. Subsequently, NT was told to minimize her touchy-feely moments with EC and observe social distancing. NT agreed.

One time, A Staff (AS) thought someone was enjoying a booking in one of the cubicles of the comfort room. AS heard sounds of ecstasy and thought he ought to wait for the occupants to tease them. AS was shocked to see NT exit the cubicle, as they were in the male restroom. NT said that the female restroom was out of order. AS was curious and hid to find out who was the other occupant. Minutes passed and AS saw EC stepping out.

Immediately, AS reported to His Superior (HS) what he thought happened. The speculations of HS were confirmed. The production worried over the effects of the behavior of NT and EC on the cast once the incident leaks. Thus, changes in the story had to be done without letting parties know why. Obviously, the one with less experience had to take the consequence silently.

Just remember this ‘Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it.’ − Travis Kalanick

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Not On Their Watch: A Bystander’s Handbook for the Prevention of Sexual Violence: S Paperback – January 1, 2016

Comments (1)
Kayan Salbad
يوليو 8, 2021

It interesting words 😍😍 Love it

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